from NYC completed our comprehensive training program since 2017, improving their capacity and expertise to treat tobacco use disorder.
Ensure that behavioral health providers have the necessary training, tools, and organizational support to implement treatment of tobacco use disorder in their daily work.
Encourage organizational investment in policy and practice change that supports addressing tobacco use disorder for people with behavioral health conditions.
Training is just one of many practical tools and resources we offer to help programs integrate tobacco treatment. Your agency can move forward step by step through a proven quality improvement process. TCTTAC meets agencies where they are at in the Plan-Do-Study-Act process and can provide support throughout the process. In preparation, we recommend you review the Roadmap and share it with colleagues and administrators.
Relying on TCTTAC’s Roadmap and technical assistance, your team can continually improve quality of care and implement best practices.
Although 46% of people with behavioral health conditions smoke, more than half of US behavioral health providers don’t ask people about tobacco use, and few treat it as a co-occurring disorder.
Expert-led live and archived training to establish foundational
knowledge and skills to address tobacco us disorder (with continuing education credits).
Access Our Tools
Documents and resources to support
implementation and practice, including handouts to help people understand the impact of tobacco on their health and available treatments.
Secure leadership buy-in, form
a workgroup, identify a staff
champion, train and coach
staff, and monitor progress.
Cultures change as staff
considers their own attitudes
and assumptions around
tobacco use.
Participating organizations
adopt QI cycles for a specific
time period (3 mos, 6 mos, 1 yr)
so they can revise and address
goals with each iteration. The
implementation process is thus
ongoing, and reflects systemic
change and capacity-building
over time.